The Review Exchange

    Google Display Name*❓
    Your Google Display Name as it displays on all Google platforms. We need this so exchangers can verify your review

    Email Address*❓
    Your Gmail or Google Workspace Account email address you will be using to leave reviews. This information will never be shared with other Exchangers or any third party service

    Review Link*❓
    The one click link used to leave a review to your Google Business Profile. (e.g.****************/review).
    Click Here for Instructions

    Keywords (optional, maximum 50 characters)❓
    Leave some examples of Keywords or Keyword Clusters you would like to have used on reviews to your business.


    Add to ongoing list?❓
    Would you like to be added to the permanent list of exchangers and receive ongoing reviews from new exchangers? You are expected to leave a review in exchange for every new review you obtain from all new exchangers. If you do not, you will be removed from the list.

    Add to Ongoing List

    We go through great lengths to keep The Review Exchange safe and secure, we only accept new Exchangers based off a referral from an existing Exchanger already enrolled.